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To date, there are no effective treatments for most neurodegenerative diseases. Knowledge graphs can provide comprehensive and semantic representation for heterogeneous data, and have been successfully leveraged in many biomedical applications including drug repurposing. Our objective is to construct a knowledge graph from literature to study relations between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and chemicals, drugs and dietary supplements in order to identify opportunities to prevent or delay neurodegenerative progression. We collected biomedical annotations and extracted their relations using SemRep via SemMedDB. We used both a BERT-based classifier and rule-based methods during data preprocessing to exclude noise while preserving most AD-related semantic triples. The 1,672,110 filtered triples were used to train with knowledge graph completion algorithms (i.e., TransE, DistMult, and ComplEx) to predict candidates that might be helpful for AD treatment or prevention. Among three knowledge graph completion models, TransE outperformed the other two (MR = 13.45, Hits@1 = 0.306). We leveraged the time-slicing technique to further evaluate the prediction results. We found supporting evidence for most highly ranked candidates predicted by our model which indicates that our approach can inform reliable new knowledge. This paper shows that our graph mining model can predict reliable new relationships between AD and other entities (i.e., dietary supplements, chemicals, and drugs). The knowledge graph constructed can facilitate data-driven knowledge discoveries and the generation of novel hypotheses.
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冠状动脉造影是诊断冠状动脉疾病(CAD)的“黄金标准”。目前,检测和评估冠状动脉狭窄的方法不能满足临床需求,例如,在临床实践中是必要的预先检测狭窄的先前研究。提出了两种血管狭窄检测方法来协助诊断。第一个是一种自动方法,可以自动提取整个冠状动脉树并标记所有可能的狭窄。第二个是一个交互式方法。通过这种方法,用户可以选择任何船只分段,以进一步分析其狭窄。实验表明,该方法对于具有各种血管结构的血管造影是鲁棒的。自动狭窄检测方法的精度,灵敏度和$ F_1 $得分分别为0.821,0.757和0.788。进一步的调查证明,交互方法可以提供更精确的狭窄检测结果,我们的定量分析更接近现实。所提出的自动方法和交互方法是有效的,可以在临床实践中相互补充。第一方法可用于初步筛选,第二种方法可用于进一步定量分析。我们认为,所提出的解决方案更适合CAD的临床诊断。
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冠状动脉造影是诊断冠状动脉疾病(CAD)的“黄金标准”。目前,检测和评估冠状动脉狭窄的方法不能满足临床需求,例如,在临床实践中是必要的预先检测狭窄的先前研究。提出了两种血管狭窄检测方法来协助诊断。第一个是一种自动方法,可以自动提取整个冠状动脉树并标记所有可能的狭窄。第二个是一个交互式方法。通过这种方法,用户可以选择任何船只分段,以进一步分析其狭窄。实验表明,该方法对于具有各种血管结构的血管造影是鲁棒的。自动狭窄检测方法的精度,灵敏度和$ F_1 $得分分别为0.821,0.757和0.788。进一步的调查证明,交互方法可以提供更精确的狭窄检测结果,我们的定量分析更接近现实。所提出的自动方法和交互方法是有效的,可以在临床实践中相互补充。第一方法可用于初步筛选,第二种方法可用于进一步定量分析。我们认为,所提出的解决方案更适合CAD的临床诊断。
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Graphons are general and powerful models for generating graphs of varying size. In this paper, we propose to directly model graphons using neural networks, obtaining Implicit Graphon Neural Representation (IGNR). Existing work in modeling and reconstructing graphons often approximates a target graphon by a fixed resolution piece-wise constant representation. Our IGNR has the benefit that it can represent graphons up to arbitrary resolutions, and enables natural and efficient generation of arbitrary sized graphs with desired structure once the model is learned. Furthermore, we allow the input graph data to be unaligned and have different sizes by leveraging the Gromov-Wasserstein distance. We first demonstrate the effectiveness of our model by showing its superior performance on a graphon learning task. We then propose an extension of IGNR that can be incorporated into an auto-encoder framework, and demonstrate its good performance under a more general setting of graphon learning. We also show that our model is suitable for graph representation learning and graph generation.
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High order structures (cavities and cliques) of the gene network of influenza A virus reveal tight associations among viruses during evolution and are key signals that indicate viral cross-species infection and cause pandemics. As indicators for sensing the dynamic changes of viral genes, these higher order structures have been the focus of attention in the field of virology. However, the size of the viral gene network is usually huge, and searching these structures in the networks introduces unacceptable delay. To mitigate this issue, in this paper, we propose a simple-yet-effective model named HyperSearch based on deep learning to search cavities in a computable complex network for influenza virus genetics. Extensive experiments conducted on a public influenza virus dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of HyperSearch over other advanced deep-learning methods without any elaborated model crafting. Moreover, HyperSearch can finish the search works in minutes while 0-1 programming takes days. Since the proposed method is simple and easy to be transferred to other complex networks, HyperSearch has the potential to facilitate the monitoring of dynamic changes in viral genes and help humans keep up with the pace of virus mutations.
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现代电力系统正在经历由可再生能源驱动的各种挑战,该挑战要求开发新颖的调度方法,例如增强学习(RL)。对这些方法以及RL药物的评估很大程度上受到探索。在本文中,我们提出了一种评估方法,以分析RL代理的性能在审查的经济调度方案中。这种方法是通过扫描多个操作方案来进行的。特别是,开发了一种方案生成方法来生成网络方案和需求方案进行评估,并且根据电力流的变化率汇总了网络结构。然后,定义了几个指标来从经济和安全的角度评估代理商的绩效。在案例研究中,我们使用经过改进的IEEE 30总线系统来说明拟议的评估方法的有效性,模拟结果揭示了对不同情况的良好和快速适应。不同的RL代理之间的比较也很有帮助,可以为更好地设计学习策略提供建议。
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随时间变化数据的因果发现(CD)在神经科学,医学和机器学习中很重要。 CD的技术包括通常没有偏见但昂贵的随机实验。它还包括诸如回归,匹配和Granger因果关系之类的算法,这些算法仅在人类设计师做出的强烈假设下正确。但是,正如我们在机器学习的其他领域发现的那样,人类通常不太正确,通常比数据驱动的方法表现出色。在这里,我们测试是否可以以数据驱动的方式改善因果发现。我们采用了一个具有大量因果成分(晶体管),MOS 6502处理器和元学习的系统,该系统为神经网络代表的因果发现程序。我们发现,该程序的表现远远超过了人为设计的因果发现程序,例如相互信息和Granger因果关系。我们认为,因果关系领域应在可能的情况下考虑一种有监督的方法,其中从具有已知因果关系的大型数据集中学习了CD程序,而不是由人类专家设计。我们的发现有望在神经和医学数据以及更广泛的机器学习社区中采用新的CD方法。
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